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What's New?

A Boost for Bicyclists
The TOI recently installed a table, benches and a bike repair station at the Oroville Depot Museum. This welcome rest spot will serve...

Town Clock: An Emblem of Oroville Pride
Oroville Streetscape and the Oroville Initiative are thrilled to announce the new Oroville Town Clock was installed today, May 10, 2022!...

Oroville Initiative Adopts City Park
With the help of Oroville Streetscape, the grounds around the restrooms have been cleaned, the building has a new coat of paint, and...

First Annual TOI Duck Race Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the first annual TOI Duck Races! And thank you to all participants. Your support helps the TOI...

Ducks, Ducks, and More Ducks!
The TOI volunteers are prepping the little speedsters for the upcoming First Annual TOI Duck Race fund raising event as part of the...

The Oroville Initiative (TOI) Adopt-A-Park Launch
Click on the image to download a PDF version or learn more about guidelines.

First Annual TOI Duck Race coming to Oroville's May Festival!!
Click on the image to downlad a PDF version.

Similkameen Trailhead Cleanup -- TOI and PNW Trails
On Tuesday, August 20th, 2019, a crew of volunteers from The Oroville Initiative (TOI) and longtime trail stewards, Joseph Enzensperger...
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