Oroville Student Reports

The Oroville public library is more than just an old building full of books. There is so much more than is offered to the residents of Oroville. This community center has many books of course, but it also has movies, tv-shows, graphic novels, cds and audio books all covering many different genres. There are also public computers, a printer, a photocopier, free wifi, and charging stations.
A few free to use resources are kanopy, Rosetta Stone and hoopla. All of this is for free, as long as you have a library card. Anyone of any age can get a library card for free, so there is no reason not to enjoy the benefits that our public library provides. There are no restrictions on what you can check out based on age, race, gender or religion. This allows you to exercise your right to obtain knowledge, as long as you respect the space, materials and the lovely librarians that are always willing to help.
Items can also be sent directly to your house through the mail order library system, so there is no excuse to not use the wonderful library. The next time you're in the area, stop by the public library to say hello to Heather and Stephanie and sign up for a free library card to get the most out of your library.
Visit the Oroville Library website.